Legal Notice (Imprint)

Formal information and legal framework of this website and the blog


*Address: *Mag M. Schaper, *Menzelstr. 22, *D-12157 Berlin
*Phone: +49 (Berlin) 218 02 279
*E-Mail: qaa_imprint_87400[aet]parsley-lane[dot]blog

Also you can reach me using the reader’s mail feedback form.

Responsible as publisher for the content of this website and blog: *Mag* Margot_Schaper
Responsible in the sense of § 5 of the German Telemedien-Gesetz: *Mag* Margot_Schaper

Guest articles by other authors are marked as such.

All texts and pictures on this website and blog are COPYRIGHTED and not for open use.


In my blog Parsley-Lane ( I do not provide professional medical or nutritional advice.

I merely want to share my passion for good food.

And I want to inspire my readers to look at food as a means of positive change,
both personal and social.

Also I would like to tribute our great common cultural inheritance of eating and celebrating together.

Moreover I want to raise awareness to the fact, that mindful eating in general can have an impact on
resource use and environmental balances (for more information see InfoByteSized or look up the
nutritional info of your national health services and international environmental information systems).

Golden Rules

  • My recipes are meant to be suggestions for food that you can make. I cannot predict or guarantee that the product you will get from following the instructions of my recipes will please you or suit you personally.
  • You alone are responsible for consuming the food that is good for you, so please consider your personal health conditions and consciously choose the best food to prepare and eat. The same goes for your family and others for whom you cook. Make wise choices.
  • No recipe is ‘written in stone’. Using different types of ingredients can also produce completely different results, so think of each attempt as an experiment for a new dish to learn from. No one gets it right all the time, so do not pressure yourself or be disappointed if things do not work out right away. Try to learn from your experiences, whether they are positive or negative. Always be prepared to change the purpose of the food you are making (as I once discovered a wonderful ice cream recipe when a cheesecake completely failed).
  • Always take proper safety precautions when cooking or baking. You are working with sharp utensils, hot materials and other items that can cause accidents.
  • Never allow children to use kitchen equipment unsupervised. Be there to guide them in critical situations. This will encourage them to learn from their experiences and continue to work constructively to meet their own expectations. It will also ensure that they are comfortable making good food for themselves later in life.

More legal specification of – Please respect the rights of the creators.

This website and its design are based on WordPress, an opensource software provided and maintained by the wordpress community (see The software and products connected to wordpress are licenced under the GNU General Public License (see Thank you, people, you are doing a marvelous job!

The design of this website is based on WordPress and a service provided by ThemeZee and Thomas Weichselbauer with his great template ‘Donovan’.

If you wish to link to this blog or its website/domain, I prefer to be asked beforehand.

Please do not at any time give the impression that this website and the blog Parsley-Lane (.net and .blog) and its content are part or product of your organization or company.

License for using recipes displayed on the blog Parsley-Lane (text only, not pictures):

All Parsley-Lane recipes are licenced under Creative Commons Licence 'BY/NC/SA'. See
All my Parsley-Lane recipes (by MagS, Parsley-Lane, text only not pictures) are licensed under Creative Commons License ‘BY-NC-SA’ 4.0. See

For all my recipes (by MagS, Parsley-Lane, text only, not pictures) on this blog Parsley-Lane (.net, .blog) I am granting a CC licence BY-NC-SA 4.0 (Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike, see as well as

For recipes of other authors on this blog (guest authors, guests) other legal frameworks may apply)!

This means, you can use the recipes and publish them even, as long as you – or the platform/media/format you are using – respects the given code (attribute creator, publish derivatives with naming the source and marking alterations you made, no commercial use).

You or the platform/media/format you are using cannot make any money from your actions involving my recipes/the publication or claim them as their own copyrighted content (as most social media platforms do …). So as soon as you are going to make money from my recipes, you need to get in touch with me before using them for public purposes (in a restaurant, in any publication).

As the purpose of this blog is not mainly to make money, but to spread the word on mindful eating and sustainable living, you wanting to make some money from my recipes for a certain good task and on a small scale (especially charity) will not result in paying large fees for my permission (please be specific for what cause and to what extent you want to use the recipe, because only for that limited cause I will give my permission). I will ask you though to make an adequate contribution to the causes I am supporting by my work (in money or action, see transparency).

I generally do not agree with you or anybody using my recipes to can, box or bottle them as your/their own product to make large scale profit of them (an action which would clearly violate the given license anyway and have legal consequences). The idea is to pass on the knowledge to many people so they can improve their quality of live, not to monetize it and contain it for sole individual purposes.

Further important notes on the website:

An automated query of our databases by software scripts or comparable mechanisms is not permitted without our consent. Manipulation of data or attempts to do so are punishable by law (see also Par. 303a StGB German Strafgesetzbuch, on data alteration or Par. 303b StGB German Strafgesetzbuch on computer sabotage as well as European law on data protection).

The publisher of the website and blog is responsible as a content provider under the German Telemedia Act for its “own content”, which it makes available for use, in accordance with general legislation. A distinction must be made between this own content and cross-references (“links”) to content provided by other providers. By means of the cross-reference, the publisher provides “third-party content” for use, which is marked in this way. Links” are always “living” (dynamic) references.

The publisher of the website under the domain has checked the external content at the time of the initial linking as to whether – as far as directly obvious – a possible civil or criminal liability is triggered by it. However, it does not constantly check the content to which it refers in its offer for changes that could give rise to a new responsibility. If she determines or is informed by others that a specific offer to which she has provided a link triggers a civil or criminal liability, she will remove the reference to this offer.