Alphabet Soup
Do you remember this dish from your childhood? We would always try to make words out of the noodles in the spoon.
Reality is made up of stories and legends, according to the great Terry Pratchett. Science – as always – largely agrees with the master. And as you already know, good food is made up of all the obvious ingredients plus energy (passion), (creative) space and time. So obviously, the classic brothy elixir with little noodle letters floating on top – loved by preschoolers of all ages – has the potential to be a gateway to another dimension.
In that sense, it is quite remarkable how the idea of using grain-based symbols to make soup more interesting has traveled so far and wide around the globe. Especially when you consider that the fascination with this particular dish tends to start right around the time when you are struggling with some stubborn lines that refuse to support your expertly scribbled glyphs in all the right places. Anyone who has been there surely remembers. And we all share that smile at the remembrance of the floating noodle epic.
Which must be the reason why the two words ‘alphabet’ and ‘soup’, combined in a simple phrase, have inspired a multitude of other ingenuities. Games of all kinds, software, and much more. Since all these inventions and formats seem to be based on the same memory – call it a legend if you like – everyone understands what they are basically about. Even if you change the context from bowl to board.
Given that, if you wanted to change the way people look at food in general, you would probably create new legends around food. ‘Relevant narratives’, the scientists call them. Or, in other words: Come up with tasty and future-ready recipes that speak for themselves. And share what you know about the way food works. Invite people or have a party dedicated to good food. Create nutritious traditions.
And do tell the story about how mindful eating and good food can transform even a simple plate into scene, screen, and action. Read aloud between the lines of the soup. Turn reality into something delicious.
Since all these inventions and formats seem to be based on the same memory – call it a legend if you like – everyone understands what they are basically about. Even if you change the context from bowl to board.
Side Notes:
- While researching this post, I discovered that there are a variety of Alphabet Soup recipes around the world. I really love that: One dish, so many cultures celebrating the same fun.
- I’m pretty sure I don’t have to tell you who Terry Pratchett is. If you still can’t associate the name with anything, start digging into the vast mine of inspiration, fun, and wisdom created by one of the true masters of British literature. And while you’re expanding your horizon, don’t fall off the edge (inside joke for Terry Pratchett fans like me).
- On a more serious note, International Literacy Day, which we celebrate every year on September 8, is coming up. Still many people around the world, including too many children and young people who are the architects of the future, do not know how to read, write, do math, or connect to all the important information around them. For more information, see the [InfoByteSized] page under ‘E’ for ‘Education’.