Salty and Cara – The Blue Dew 2

Now the fruits are really rolling. And a friend is in deadly trouble.

Hanano looked as if he had only recently come out of his alcove. Which, technically, he probably just did, since he always got up in the evening. A necessary habit that came with the trade. But it was still a little early for Cara’s boss, and if you knew him, you could tell that he was upset as well. His coat was not as neatly adjusted as usual, and there were worrying stains on his peel. Though his voice was already all business: “I see, you used your time wisely and got the place speckless. That’s my little star! Always on the spot. I love it.” Then his yellow hue turned a little darker as he added, “Of course, it would all be such a lovely evening if this town could just keep its berry bushes together for once. What a mess!”

Cara had finished polishing and everything was ready for the night shift. Only the green lights needed to be turned on. And she was on her way to the washer’s shop to get clean towel sheets. There was almost no piece of cloth left to dry jars or carafes. She nodded, not really in the mood to talk.

Hanano had taken a large tray and was in the process of filling it with all sorts of vessels containing different colored liquids. He knew exactly what he was doing. Don Tomatoni came to his place almost every night. He just did nothing but be a very good customer and keep out some of the other really bad fruits and vegetables. The bar owner appreciated that, but he still knew exactly who he was dealing with. So he grabbed the tray, put it on a small set of wheels and rolled everything in the same direction where the mobster and his gang had vanished a short time before.

It did not take long for the drinks to be delivered, so Hanano was back soon, looking even more worried. “This can’t be happening,” he exclaimed, sitting down on one of the stools in front of the bar. “Twenty cases! And even the mayor’s daughter. I wonder who will be next.”

And then he sounded genuinely concerned: “That poor, stupid little pear! She always gets herself into some kind of jam. She cannot keep her round bottom out of trouble. I really hope they can help her at the hospital.”

Cara jumped: “What are you talking about? Who’s in the hospital?” “Beta is. Her mother called me right after you got me up to take care of…” he gestured towards the back room, “She heard the rumors about Bosca’s death and panicked. It seems someone ‘slipped her a Ricky’ at some party and bragged about it later. She is practically paralyzed with fear. Even though she only took the stuff once – or so she says.”

Cara could not believe it: “Are you saying she took it on purpose? Why would she do something so stupid? That does not sound like her!”

Hanano laughed heartily: “Oh, you have not known her as long as I have, Cara. You better believe that she would do something like that. She is a wild one.” And he smiled at Cara: “You, on the other hand, I am sure, would never do something so monstrously unwise. You are smart and you have style. And frankly, I still do not understand why you work in this place. I mean, don’t get me wrong. You’re the prettiest, classiest thing this place has ever seen, but couldn’t you do better? Your family must still have connections.”

The young starfruit scoffed, “Yes, they do have connections. My mother would sell me in a heartbeat to marry some very old – and rich – fruit just to get her status and money back. Fortunately, my father is made of a different brand. He honors my wishes. And although he is not happy about it, he still respects Salty and his work, so he does not really mind us being together. My mother, on the other hand, can get really ‘unfriendly’ when things do not go her way…”.

The banana sighed: “Ah, youth and its follies. I was like that once. Now I am seriously thinking of drinking some of that ‘Blue Wonder’ – ‘The Blue Dew’, as the press calls it – to stop the heat of time. The brown spots are growing in size and number by the hour.” Cara protested half laughing, although of course there was nothing funny about the matter. But Hanano was very vain and everyone knew it.

“Come on, Han, you still look like you could be my younger brother,” she joked.

“You’re right, and wouldn’t we make a pair of siblings! … about your younger brother…” he sounded serious again, “are you sure he is not involved in this mysterious mix-up that cost your whole family their money?”

She wondered for a moment: “I don’t want to think of him as a crook, you know. But he always needed more money than he had… . I hope they find our *Swallowtails somewhere. Being poor can be a bit dry sometimes. Still…” and a little glow came over her face, “there’s no better place to be poor than working at Hanano’s Spot. I could have done a lot worse.” Her boss loved his one and only fruit star. “I know, my dear, and we are very lucky to have you. Besides, you are safe here. That old round red guy back there will not hurt you, he needs his clubhouse and I run it.”

Cara did not have time to respond to that comment because the door opened and her other coworker walked in. The pear looked stressed.

“Sorry I’m late, boss, I just got back from the hospital where they’re treating Beta.”

The other two looked at him in anxious expectation.

“How bad is it?” asked Hanano.

“It’s really bad,” Al replied, “they still don’t know what they’re dealing with yet. And it seems that the stuff will kill you anyway, even if you use it once … or just a few times.” He did not seem to believe Beta’s story either.

Cara felt herself getting very upset, so she grabbed her bag of dirty towels and hurried off. “Well,” she said as she closed the outer door behind her, “I’d better run or they’ll close the shop on me.”

Hanano smiled at Cara: … frankly, I still do not understand why you work here. I mean, don’t get me wrong. You’re the prettiest, classiest thing this place has ever seen, but couldn’t you do better? Your family must still have connections.”

The young starfruit scoffed, “Yes, they do have connections. My mother would sell me in a heartbeat to marry some very old – and rich – fruit just to get her status and money back. … She can get really ‘unfriendly’ when things do not go her way …”.

Side Notes:

  • * ‘Swallowtail’ is the name of the money in Cara’s valley. The drinks that are written on the bar’s mirror behind the counter carry the prizes for the beverages and the official sign for the currency. Of course ‘Swallowtails’ also is the name for a group of very rare and beautiful butterflies – in our world as well as in the fruitable society.
  • More on Salty and Cara and ‘The Blue Dew’ the weekend before Halloween. You are in for a double helping of ‘Trick and Treat’.

Missed the last episode? Here it is [ I< ] And what happens next? Find out [ >I ]

You have no clue, what is going on at all? Here is how it all started: [‘Salty and Cara. The Crime Story‘]

Needless to say, the stories about Salty and Cara are pure figments of my imagination. No resemblance to any person or place – present or past – is intended. But I am sure you have already figured that out 😉