Salty and Cara – Silent Waters 7

Love and crime in a world of fruits and vegetables – A tasty fable. Second story, final episode:
While Salty is led to safety, Cara is still in dire straits. And the allegiances forged earlier turn out not to be so foolproof after all.

Friendly Foes

Cara had been waiting in her uncle’s study for what seemed like forever. At some point she decided it was time for recreation, no matter the circumstances. When she regained her conscience, she noticed that someone had brought a carafe of nourishment and a vase. She was sure that no one would harm her – that was the whole point of this little setup she was in right now – so she consumed it without hesitation.

As nothing happened in the house, she started to wander around the room. There had to be some evidence, and she was determined to find it. At least get a little use out of this… It took her less time than she thought to find the right papers. Balim had not even bothered to hide them. They were right there in the top drawer of his desk. He must be either very sure of himself or very desperate to be so careless, she figured.

But when she actually read through the documents and pieced together the events, she was still surprised. Someone from the royal court seemed to be involved. A young pineapple whose wayward uncle was the current king of Big Valley. From the evidence in front of her, she could also see how he had done it: his father owned the largest construction company in town. Comosus Estates. The name somehow rang a bell, and then she remembered: this was the company Salty had visited the other day. Oh Salty …! She was a little worried about him, but deep inside she knew that he would be okay. She just knew it.

Suddenly there was a great tumult outside. She heard weapons, screams, and the commotion of physical combat. She listened for a moment, but then, absorbed in her observation, she turned back to the papers. There was no signature of the owner of Comosus on the paper. Only letters indicating that he knew and would approve. But did he really? Or had the no-good little brat done it all… . Then she found a letter addressed to her uncle. And another one. It had all been about money at first. Just as she thought. Balim was not even aware that the whole thing had been a scam. They had tricked him. Then there was a short note: “You’d better stay with us and don’t talk. We know where to find your family. And no one touches the king’s nephew.” She almost felt sorry for him, although she was still angry with Balim.

Now the sounds of battle came closer. And a loud thud against the door of her uncle’s study.

“You are not taking her! You promised me she would be unharmed. That was the deal. If I help you get out, you leave her in peace.”

Another voice answered, arrogant and obviously used to making demands that could not be denied. Cara did not hear what this voice said, for it came from the other side of the hallway. But her uncle’s voice was loud and clear. And he was very angry: “You useless pile of waste. I don’t care about your father and how the king is a wayward uncle to your mother’s cousin…”


“I am staying right here. And I also know that the palace guard is on their way. Because I informed them. This has gone too far. You are not going to fruitnap the granddaughter of one of the king’s most important advisors. Cara’s family is a member of the inner circle. They do not like to be messed with…”

An aggressive reply from across the room.

“You bet the king will know about this. And you can rest assured that you will not get away with this little stunt of yours.”

Now there seemed to be reasoning, arguments, attempts at persuasion.

Balim did not answer. He just mumbled and only Cara could hear him from the other side of the door: “Yeah right. As if I would ever trust you again. Never should have done it in the first place. And I’m definitely not going with you. No way am I leaving this door. I just hope the spies in this town are as good as they say. I never thought I would pray to the Twins for help. … Please, please, please let me be caught and arrested. I am losing my mind.”

Cara felt sorry for him. But now she also knew how serious the situation was. From the sounds she had heard before, the former accomplices in the scam were heavily armed and desperate enough to fruitnap her in order to force their way out of the valley. She searched for anything that could be used as a weapon. There were some utensils on Balim’s desk.

Suddenly, the hallway in front of the study was quiet. But somewhere else on the estate there seemed to be a great ruckus. Then a knock at the door.

“Milady?” It was the butler, “I am so sorry I had to lock you in there. But it was too dangerous to let you wander around the house. Those… crooks…” he almost spat out the expression, “tried to take you away. For insurance,’ they said. But no way is that going to happen while I am in the house. I informed someone to notify your grandfather, who no doubt has the palace guard on alert. They should be outside by now. Trying to catch the rotten pineapple. Such a scandal!”

Cara felt better now, knowing that help was on the way. But one worry remained. “Is my… is Master Cumberman safe?”

The old zucchini on the other side of the door spoke now with much tenderness in his voice. “Yes, Milady, I am sure.”

“Where is he…?” But the butler had already slipped away in silence.

Outside there was more noise. And screams. As angry as she was at her uncle for getting involved, she still hoped he would be alright.

Then there was silence. And the wide door to the room opened.

Her grandfather came rushing in, escorted by at least five very large pumpkin guards. Highly armed and heavily clad. He looked her over, as if to inspect her for damage. When he was satisfied with his observations, he turned around, exchanged a few words with the guards and started to leave the room.

“Is Quentin all right?” she asked, still unable to keep a little worry out of her voice.

“My boatsman will take you to him right away,” he said and walked on, “please give him my best regards and tell him that I congratulate him on solving this ‘case’ and preventing a scandal. I must go now and inform the King thoroughly … but I hope to see you again soon.” The last sentence sounded like a question and she nodded. “Yes, thank you.”

He had reached the door, but turned back, “Oh, and before I forget: Tell Master Cumberman and Sir Fitzalani they are wanted for an audience with the King and Queen. Right away.”

“Who is Sir Fitzalani?” she wondered.

Her grandfather looked at her and smiled.

Balim did not answer. He just mumbled and only Cara could hear him from the other side of the door: ” … I never thought I would pray to the Twins for help. … Please, please, please let me be caught and arrested. I am losing my mind.”

End of ‘Silent Waters’

Side Notes:

  • Oh, you thought this was the big ending? Well, actually, this is just the beginning of an even greater adventure. But you’ll have to wait until July 26th to find out how.
  • The ‘Twins’ are the gods of chance in the fruitable society. They are very capricious and unreliable.

This is the second adventure of Salty & Cara – a juicy love affair entangled in the complex web of crime and corruption that covers the vast mountain and valley landscape of the ‘Fruitable’ civilization.

Needless to say, the stories about Salty and Cara are pure figments of my imagination. No resemblance to any person or place – present or past – is intended. But I am sure you have already figured that out 😉