Next Edition Coming soon… (Summer)

Yes, another season is underway. And so is the next edition …

As you may have noticed by now, this blog has editions. Their content, as well as their size, will correlate a bit with the current season. This means that there will be a new issue every quarter.

But in order to get all the preparations done, I have decided to take the first Friday of each quarter off and there will be no new posts (except for this little announcement).

The same goes for the Easter weekend and the time between Christmas and New Year’s. Because, as much as I love being here with you, dear readers, I really want to spend even more time with my family. I am sure you will understand.

Well, see you on July 14th for the editorial of the next issue (Summer Edition 2023). Where I will shed some light on what you can expect to find on this spot over the next three months.

Not too much, of course. Just to raise your appetite a bit.