Let’s Meet and Dine

Hospitality is a wonderful thing. A place and people to share food with for inspiration.

If someone asked you what you needed to make a good meal, what would you say? You’d probably name a set of ingredients, even a recipe. But would you also say ‘company?’ Someone to share it with”?

I’ve heard that answer before. The companionship thing. People who live alone or are far away from their loved ones would probably answer that way.

Sharing a meal with friends and family – or even just someone we like to be around – that can really brighten up the day. I think many of us have only recently realized this. It bonds you together, makes you see what’s really important. It can even change your perspective or lighten your mood. And it can turn any space into a piece of home.

That’s why lately we’ve stepped up our tradition of inviting friends over to share a meal. To cook with them or for them. But most of all: spending time with them at the same table.

Of course, there are places where you can go and get just that feeling. But you have to seek them out carefully: The places where the people and the food just make you want to sit down and stay.

… it can turn any space into a piece of home.

Side Notes:

  • When I cook for other people, I would always ask beforehand if there’s something they don’t eat or like. I try to respect individual tastes. When I introduce something new, I make sure it ‘translates’ correctly, meaning I look for bridges between the foods they normally eat – or expect – and the foods I want to prepare. For example, if I want to make something vegan, I make it similar in consistency or flavor to the usual food, but change the components.
  • I also try to keep things modular and simple, try to prepare as much as possible in advance. This gives me more time to enjoy the company and talk – rather than slaving away in the kitchen.