Festival Season

Made up of colorful views and sunny moods: Festival season.

I love open-air festivals in the summer. The city becomes a gentle hostess, beckoning people from within and outside. All kinds of fascinating colors, shapes, sounds – and tastes, of course. A wide variety to choose from, new and old to recognize, inspiration everywhere.

But with plenty comes the challenge of choice: ‘Should I…? Or maybe … . And then, if I do … .’ You know the game.

To help us decide which food to try at a festival, we have developed our own preference scale:

  • Preference #1: Homemade and/or prepared in a traditional family style. If there is someone – or even a family – offering homemade food, that is always a winner.
  • Preference #2 (same importance as #1): Plant-based (when eating out, we don’t mind an occasional egg or a little milk if priority #1 is met).
  • Preference #3: Interesting composition of a dish
  • Preference #4 (big plus): Suppliers show interest in sustainable food supply (organic, seasonal/local/regional ingredients)
  • Preference #5: (‘cross out’, mind carefully or at least half of us will get sick afterwards):
    • A – not too sweet or too fatty
    • B – no or little common wheat flour (spelt wheat works for us)
    • C – no portions that cannot be adapted to individual appetites – or shared.

It looks complicated, but we find it is actually quite easy to use, really. You just look for the top two prios. If there is more than one candidate, decide by prio 3 and 4. Completely avoid anything that involves the aspects of prio 5.

But of course, tastes and needs in food are a very individual thing. You will know, which preferences serve you best.

I hope you have a wonderful time out this summer and get to enjoy the festivals around your town. Take in many fascinating new perspectives – on culture as well as food – and enjoy a good meal.

A wide variety to choose from, new and old to recognize, inspiration everywhere.


  • News on the recipe horizon: I just finished an alternative topping version for my pizza recipe. Spicy, classic, but somehow different … taste for yourself: [‘Pizza Vagabond‘].