Don’t Freeze Those Eggs

The fun thing about good food is that it comes in many forms. Some even look like dangerous predators.

While shopping at our favorite neighborhood organic supermarket, I found a treasure at the checkout counter: Four big, old, spotted bananas. I immediately confiscated them.

The cashier, a young man I’d never seen there before and who didn’t know I was a regular customer, gave me this look: ‘Yeah, sure, you take the cheap junk.’ And he moves the fruit to the other side of the counter. Right after that, he puts the frozen cod on top. I wince, glare at him and criticize, “Never put frozen stuff on top of bananas. Bananas don’t like frost. Unless you freeze them all at once” (Yum, ‘Nicecream’).

This guy is obviously not a devout vegan baker. He just stares at me like I just said something totally stupid. So I refrain from telling him that I am in fact not buying cheap, I am really happy to have found old organic bananas. They are really hard to come by. Actually, our organic bananas don’t get old that easily (I don’t know why that is). But we really need these overripe bananas as a substitute for eggs (noegkX I call them in my recipes) in practically all of our baked goods.

But the cashier continues to do his job professionally, oblivious to our dire need. Although he probably would have agreed that having something like eggs in the house is really important. And of course, if those bananas were eggs, he would never have put the frozen stuff on top of them.

Because everyone knows you shouldn’t shock-freeze fresh eggs.

I found a treasure at the checkout counter: Four big, old, spotted bananas.

Side Notes: