Cheese Approach (Rcp# 0010)

To make a good white sauce is a task. To make a smooth cheese sauce is a major quest.

Ingredients for ‘Cheese Approach’

  • 1,2 l vegetable broth (homemade, see [Vegetable Broth])
  • 1 tablespoon Coconut oil, native
  • 2 tablespoons coconut flour
  • 1 teaspoon potato flour
  • 3 tablespoons apple pulp
  • 1 tablespoon agave syrup
  • 100 g grated (vegan) cheese
  • 100 ml oat yogurt
  • nutmeg, freshly ground
  • salt
  • a big handful of fresh herbs, crushed with a cradle knife (filling about 150 ml)

Cooking instructions for ‘Cheese Approach’

  1. Take 200 ml of cold broth and mix with coconut flour and potato flour in a bowl, stirring with a fork until all the flour is absorbed by the liquid.
  2. Heat the rest of the broth to moderate temperature and mix with the dissolved flours in small portions. Allow the broth in the saucepan to absorb each portion of dissolved flours. Stir to obtain a smooth sauce.
  3. Add apple pulp, agave syrup, nutmeg and salt and stir.
  4. Turn off heat and take pot off heat to add coconut oil portions to completely dissolve
  5. Add chopped fresh herbs and stir gently.
  6. Add grated cheese in small portions, stirring occasionally to help the cheese dissolve.
  7. Allow to sit for 10 minutes, stirring occasionally. When cheese is almost completely dissolved, add oat yogurt.

Side Notes:

  • This is a recipe that greatly depends on the ingredients you use and the proper temperature during the whole process of making the cheese sauce. It is advisable to work up from small amounts of new ingredients and low temperature. This really does take some practice and finesse. Don’t be sad if you don’t manage it the first time. I think it took me about five times to get it right.
  • Other recipes involving vegan cheese [‘Pizza Vagabond‘], [‘Pasta Scolaresca‘], [‘Fish in Hiding‘], [‘Washerman’s Warft Salad‘] … (to be continued)

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