Along the Lane

Some things I have picked up on my way along the Parsley-Lane so far.

As the third edition of my blog and another season come to a close, I am taking some time to reflect on what I have learned.

When I started my journey about 1 ½ years ago (no joke), it all looked different in my head. Much more complicated. But as I traveled along, I found that ‘complicated’ can be a heavy baggage. And I am more of a person who likes to travel light.

So I made a rather simple outline of the region that I really wanted to cover. And I wrote my first posts. Which were pretty much a perfect case for the ‘disasteria’. But I learned a lot from those rough drafts, and since I tried out everything offline at first, it was no problem to rearrange things.

Which is one good piece of advice I would like to offer: If you want to start a blog, get your stuff together offline first. Like all the fundamental requirements (basic pages in a blog), safety issues, and an inspired plan of where you want to go. Because if you just start writing, you will have lost your way in no time, trust me. Plus, fixing things online after you have published them once, can be a bit of a drag. Especially for your readers (because they might not find the content, where it is supposed to be).

Another interesting observation I made as I rode along is, that pictures carry a message, but they also distract. That’s why I am still very happy with my decision from the beginning not to illustrate my recipes with photos of the food I made. Because I would had to either put everything in or make difficult choices about what to leave out. So my recipes have graphics to set the mood. No more.

Since I did have some requests for preparation tips, I will be putting additional information online in the near future. Probably on one of the established social media channels. Which handle picture loads much better than any personal blog ever could.

Well, that is my travelogue for now. I will give you some more when the year is almost over (before Christmas). Then you will also get some special insights into what I have learned about good food and mindful eating in this first year on the Parsley-Lane.

When I started my journey about 1 ½ years ago (no joke), it all looked different in my head. Much more complicated. But as I traveled along, I found that ‘complicated’ can be a heavy baggage. And I am more of a person who likes to travel light.

Side Notes:

  • As you might have noticed, I took up my idea for the ‘Disasteria’ again. Because there is nothing like ‘master failures’ – meaning things that go masterfully wrong, as in completely awry – to learn from.