Salty & Cara: Silent Waters 2

Love and crime in a world of fruits and vegetables – A tasty fable.
Second story, second episode: Salty and Cara have left New Valley for some investigations in the old, ‘Big Valley’. Are they in for some big surprises too …?

Another View

It was a rather pleasant voyage. They were taking the submarine train through the main tunnel that connected the huge mountain lake of Big Valley with the central waterways of New Valley. Normally, that would have been way above their pay grade. Only rich fruit and valley officials traveled underwater. Of course, with the insurance company covering all of Salty’s expenses, it had been no problem to rent half a wagon with a refreshment room, sleeping quarters, and private lounge.

There had been talk of opening up the safest means of transportation between the two valleys to the public, but it had been unsuccessful so far because all parties could not agree on what kind of passengers would be allowed and what would not. The Big Valley representatives would not accept traveling with insects under any circumstances. But in New Valley, the ants were a vital part of the economy, so they had virtually full civil rights.

On the other hand, the New Valley representatives would not allow fruit and vegetables to travel in the same compartment. Also, having to share large wagons with less wealthy fruits – or vegetables – was far beyond their comfort zone. Of course, the king and other official representatives of Big Valley always brought their spouses – or lovers – from other fruit domains with them on their travels. And it worked almost the same way in the other direction – just not officially.

The young couple did not care or mind. They were simply enjoying their time together on their luxurious overnight cruise. As soon as they had entered their cabin, they had begun to discuss the strange connections between the two crimes at hand: the insurance fraud and the death of the accountant. Salty had waited until Cara had settled in before telling her the true contents of the envelope from the dead melon. She shrieked: “Why didn’t you say so? This is about my family’s money, too?”

“‘Sweetie, I wanted you to focus on our trip. I was really looking forward to spending some time with you, you know. The work part is my business. Besides, I thought you would know that Cucumis’ death was no accident, although the papers made it sound like one.”

“Yes, but what do you expect: They are made of old leaves. So they are mostly yesterday’s news from the beginning. And of course the mayor would not want it to look like an important fruit from the Big Valley could just be murdered in his town. You know the game. But I had no idea that the two things were so clearly connected.

“We’ll see about that,” he tried to calm her down and draw her attention back to the fascinating surroundings in the illuminated tube around them and the comfortable cabin inside. And finally she gave in.

When they arrived at their hotel – a beautiful old structure overlooking much of the Big Valley landscape – they already had a note waiting for them. It was from Cara’s uncle. He invited them to take a tour around the lake. Cara liked her uncle and had not seen him since he moved from New Valley to Big Valley. So they agreed to accept the invitation and had the receptionist call her uncle’s house. In the meantime, they rested a bit and got ready for the trip.


Cara’s uncle Balim came to pick them up. It was quite a show. He drove the floater to the back entrance, where land vehicles could also maneuver. That was part of what the floater was built for. But it was basically a hovercraft that could move over any terrain. Very expensive, but not uncommon in the Big Valley area.

“Quite a fruit basket you have here, Balim,” Salty said after they had entered and made themselves comfortable. Balim laughed. He was not as socially prejudiced as his sister, and living in Big Valley had mellowed his last resentments against mixed bondings. Besides, he respected Salty for making a successful living for himself.

“Yes, it looks quite odd, but it is actually the best way to get around here – as long as you do not try to cross over to New Valley. The vehicle would be fine, but the bandits in the mountains are really hot to get their hands on these beauties. They are quite valuable. Not just to get places, but to smuggle things around.”

Cara had not heard of that: “Really? I thought the guard at Big Valley had that problem under control. Dad always made it sound that way.”

“Your father was just trying to protect you from bad news, dear niece. He did not want you to worry every time he went over here to do business.”

“That didn’t help him. Maybe he should have been a little more curious about things in Big Valley before he invested all our money over here.”

“Don’t be unfair, Cara. He did his best, but someone set him up. And not just him. Nearly half of New Valley’s top families lost substantial Swallowtails in the scandal. Do you have any more details on how that happened?”

Salty counted Balim as part of the family: “It looks like the whole thing is part of a big scam involving an investment project. That’s why I’m here.”

“So you have some new ideas? That’s good,” Balim seemed really angry now, “I’d also like to see my Swallowtails again some day.”

“You lost money, Uncle? I did not know.” Cara was surprised.

“I did, but not as much as your father and many others. I had pulled almost all of my money out by the time the whole thing blew up. I was really angry at myself back then for even telling others to put money into that scam. My sister will not speak to me. Still.”

“Yeah, that’s Mom. When she gets mad about something, mountains move before she changes her mind. She can be very bad.”

“You tell me. I grew up with her.”

They all laughed.

“How do you like it here? It’s quite different, isn’t it? Warmer, the houses look different, mixed families everywhere … .”

Then Balim realized his mistake: “Oh, I am so sorry. I keep forgetting, my sister is still giving you a hard time about being a couple. I heard that she even has spies to find out what you are doing. It really makes no sense to me what she is upset about. Nor do I see any sense in those old … They act like they are so modern and democratic with their city council and their mayor in New Valley. And this ‘insect tolerance’ thing. Has nothing to do with being liberal and everything to do with catching Swallowtails, if you ask me. Pretty hypocritical.”

Both Salty and Cara had nodded along with his speech.

“But you know me: I like Quentin, and the most important thing to me is that my favorite niece is happy. So if you ever get sick of it, you can always come and stay with me. I have a big house and I am away most of the time, so you can practically roam free. In fact, I would have invited you to stay with me this time, but I understand that you are on a case and your client has already booked you into a hotel.”

“Yes, I am here to work,” Salty replied, “but of course we will have some time to enjoy the trip as well. See some of the scenery, visit some of the landmarks …”

“Speaking of which,” Cara’s uncle cut in, “our biggest and most beautiful landmark is coming up.”

The floater took every change in terrain in stride, so they had been riding uphill for some time without further inconvenience. Now the great freshwater lake above the Big Valley lay before them.

“Let me introduce you to our Lady Silent Waters.

Salty counted Balim as part of the family: “It looks like the whole thing is part of a big scam involving an investment project. That’s why I’m here.”

“So you have some new ideas? That’s good,” Balim seemed really angry now, “I’d also like to see my Swallowtails again some day.”

Side Notes:

  • Just a reminder: ‘Swallowtails’ are not only beautiful, rare butterflies, they are also the currency of the Fruitable society.

This is the second adventure of Salty & Cara – a juicy love affair entangled in the complex web of crime and corruption that covers the vast mountain and valley landscape of the ‘Fruitable’ civilization.
Missed the last episode? Here it is [ I< ]
And what happens next? Find out: [Silent Waters. Episodes 3 + 4. Easter Special]
You have no clue, what is going on at all? Here is how it all started: [‘Salty and Cara. The Crime Story‘]

Needless to say, the stories about Salty and Cara are pure figments of my imagination. No resemblance to any person or place – present or past – is intended. But I am sure you have already figured that out 😉